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About Us

datavideo Virtual Set is branch of datavideo Technologies. datavideo Technologies has been a leader in the video broadcast industry for more than 30 years. We have a reputation for manufacturing high quality, affordable video switchers and professional TV and AV equipment. Our products are marketed and sold worldwide. 

From switchers to virtual studios, datavideo excels in both software and hardware and is always at the forefront of the broadcast industry. We were a key part of the transition from analog to digital production and from SD to HD video. 

The virtual studio is expected to become a very widely used program-making system in the future because it delivers excellent flexibility, professional results and low cost of ownership. 


What could datavideo Virtual Set provide for you?  

I am a freelancer

Open your own personalized webstore and generate sales revenue from your virtual set designs. Designs with your unique style can then be traded on the global market via datavideovirtualset.com. Keyword searches will increase the probability of your design being found and will allow visitors to find your design within a short time.

We have buyers worldwide who need your innovation; we accept all virtual sets from all professional designers. In this way, we help the consumer find the professional unique and customizable virtual sets they need in just a few minutes. 

I am a Program Maker

datavideo makes the whole virtual set process easy. Using a green screen or blue backdrop, professionals can now make dynamic, engaging programs without investing tens of thousands of dollars in studios or film sets. Here at datavideo Virtual Set, you will be able to find virtual scenes that are perfect for your production.

I have a TVS-1000 /TVS-1200 Virtual Studio System.

You have invested in a TVS-1000 or TVS-1200 virtual studio system but now want more than the 30 supplied virtual sets? The special TVS Center on the website not only provides free downloads of virtual sets designed specifically for TVS systems, it also offers various PNG images and 3D animations for enhancing any design. All your ideas can now be put into reality. 
